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Home > Smarthome > Dimming and Lighting control
Clipsal Lighting Control

 Clipsal  and the Integration with HAI


HAI Omni and Lumina family controllers support two-way integration with the Clipsal C-Bus lighting system. Individual lighting groups can be directly controlled and lighting scenes can be triggered by the HAI controller. The HAI controller monitors C-Bus lighting and can respond to changes in the C-Bus system.


Each HAI lighting unit can be associated with a corresponding C-Bus lighting group. HAI unit 1 corresponds to C-Bus lighting group address 1; HAI unit 2 corresponds to C-Bus lighting group address 2; and so on. C-Bus group address 0 is not supported. C-Bus lighting groups can be turned on, turned off, brightened, dimmed,set to a specific level, or toggled on/off.


The HAI controller also allows C-Bus lighting scenes to be activated through the use of C-Bus “triggers”. A C-Bus trigger command contains a Trigger/Scene Group and a Trigger/Scene Action. The combination of Trigger Group and Trigger Action is used to create scenes that may be considered mutually exclusive or scenes that are unrelated. Scenes that share the same Trigger Group number are considered mutually exclusive. Scenes that do not share the same Trigger Group number are considered unrelated. The Trigger Action is used to indicate what set of actions should be taken when the scene is triggered.

Mutually exclusive scenes may be used when it is desired that activating one of the scenes will cancel indicators for the other scenes. For example, there may be buttons on a keypad to select different lighting scenes in a room, such as OFF, ON, READ, and WATCH TV. Pressing one of the buttons will illuminate the indicator on the button and turn off the indicators on the other three buttons. These scenes share the same Trigger Group, but have different Trigger Actions to specify the desired scene.

HAI PC Access software may be used to create a Clipsal C-Bus scene command. This command includes the C-Bus Trigger/Scene Group (1-254) and Trigger/Scene Action (1-32). This command may then be included as part of a programming sequence or can be assigned to an HAI “button” for activation through an HAI user interface.


The HAI controller queries the C-Bus network for the state of all lights upon HAI controller start-up or after a power failure that affects the C-Bus system. It will also query the C-Bus network for the state of all lights every five minutes. The HAI controller also monitors the C-Bus network for changes to C-Bus lighting groups for real-time updating of status. A change in the state of a C-Bus lighting group triggers an event in the HAI controller that can be used in automation programming. For example, a button on a C-Bus keypad could toggle the state of a C-Bus lighting group which could cause the HAI controller to initiate an automation sequence.


The HAI controller connects to the C-Bus Serial PC Interface using an HAI Model 36A05-4 Serial Connectivity Adapter Kit. The HAI controller initializes the C-Bus PCI to the proper settings.

The Serial Function for the serial port on the HAI controller must be set to Clipsal C-Bus. Similarly, the House Code Format for the desired groups of units in the HAI controller must also be set to Clipsal C-Bus.

Alternately, the HAI 10A06-1 Serial Expander may be used to connect the C-Bus PCI. In this case, a straight-through DB-9 male-to-female cable must be used between the HAI controller and the C-Bus PCI. The Expander Type for the desired HAI expander address must be set to Clipsal C-Bus.


Clipsal C-Bus is supported by HAI Omni LT, Omni II, Omni IIe, OmniPro II, Lumina, and Lumina Pro systems. The systems must be utilizing controller firmware 3.2 or later.

Omni LT supports 16 C-Bus lighting groups. Omni II, Omni IIe, and Lumina support 64 C-Bus lighting groups. OmniPro II and Lumina Pro support 254 C-Bus lighting groups.

C-Bus Lighting Group 0 and Trigger Group 0 are not supported. Only Trigger Actions 1-32 are supported.

The HAI controller supports C-Bus Application $38 for lighting and C-Bus Application $CA for triggers. The HAI controller never generates messages with network routing information, but it will correctly receive and interpret such messages. When multiple networks are used, the networks should be “Fully Connected” and the network bridges should be configured for “Application Connect Mode”. This will allow application messages to be automatically forwarded between each of the networks by the network bridges. The HAI controller’s C-Bus implementation is designed to meet the requirements of Level 3 C-Bus Enabled certification.